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2018 - like a fucked up facejjphnx
I look outside the window while driving.

  • I know.
    The title name is way too long.

    Yesterday was the first time I took a highway from near my university back to my house. It's not exactly the first time I use this highway. Well, I used it a lot. But I'm not the one who drive, I was the one in the passenger seat next to him.

    I used the word 

    He was my boyfriend.
    and before that
    he was my best friend

    he's still my best friend
    but to him, I'm not anymore.

    When we're doing a group project of 3 people together in second semester in our freshmen year,He didn't even know my name. And even when we're finished, he still had to ask our middle friend my name. But we're getting closer after our middle friend got a girlfriend and then left us hanging together a lot. And not long after that, I can't go do my regular routine like practice dancing because of my health issue and he in that time was still a swimmer, so we were like dinner buddy. I'll be doing my homework at Starbucks, waiting for him to finish his swimming practice program then after that we just ate and talked. 

    I knew in my heart, he will be a very good friend of mine.

    After we became dinner buddy, he offered me a ride home every Friday. (I stayed at dorm near uni but my home is quite far but not too much from his). I accepted his offer with excitement. I only knew I really like talking to him. I feel secure. 

    So we're just talking stuff from stuff
    , his dream about going to olympic
    , favorite songs, bands, movies
    , daily stuff
    , family
    , a lot of stuff 

    and listening to music

    thai pop band I can't remember the name
    jazz, some times

    but most of the times
    he always chose to play Coldplay
    Yellow is his favourite.

    There're a lot of memories while we were on the rode. We went from being a friend to a good friend. From a good friend to a very best of friend we could ever ask each other for. and from that moment I looked at his back while he were walking around taking photo, I felt my weird heartbeat. I felt it.  I knew I had to stop my feeling before it will ruin everything we had. I knew I love him before he's known.

    and I told myself I stopped and I stopped
    but then he felt it too.

    and from a best friend
    we became a lover, a partner, a couple

    and on that rode
    We kissed, We fought, 
    We held hands, We cried, 
    We laugh, We sung, 
    We yelled, 

    We loved, 

    We went up and We went down
    He want to stop, I want another chance

    We got back, We made things work
    We celebrated our anniversary
    We made our future plans

    but in sometime between that
    he fell out
    and decided to end everything

    even our friendship.

    after that is a total mess.
    so I will end that part of the story right here.

    Like I said, there're a lot of memories while we were on the rode, especially on that highway. And I'm such an unfortunated person who can remember almost everything so vivid. 

    Yesterday I want to go home quickly so I decided to take that highway straight to my house. I know I will think of him. I know those memories will repeat in my head like a movie that will never stop. After I found myself driving on this highway by myself for the very first time ever, I think

    "don't you dare thinking of those stuff"

    and this talking didn't work
    so I distracted myself by singing out loud along to my Spotify playlist.

    around 5pm or 6pm
    traffic jam got me stuck 
    so I looked outside

    the sun was about to leave
    the sky turned from blue to mixed blue grey and pink


    and I remember

    the day he was so excited about maroon5 concert which held on the avenue near my house. We're just a good friend at that time. So he asked me to be his dinner buddy again before the concert start because he didn't know where to eat. I accepted his offer of course. It's on my way home anyway. 

    I remember that day
    mix up with 

    the day we got back from our little trip inside the old town, he taught me how to take a film photo, we talked a lot, we shared our dvd list. We're still friend but I knew myself how I feel about him and I already told myself to stop.

    I remember those day mixing up together,

    Because the sky in those day shine so brightly.

    It's bright blue.
    When the sun was slowly leaving
    It's turning to gold orange

    the sky was so clear, I can see the temple from faraway.

    I looked at those skyline
    and looked back at him

    he was concentrating with driving.
    but still moving his head and his hands with the music

    he smiled 
    and sung out with a ridiculous sound to make me laugh

    it was bright.
    and I love him so much.


    the sky I saw yesterday was pretty.
    blue grey and pink
    but it fulls with cloudy mist

    it's pretty
    but it will never be the same.


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