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Autumn (October 2022)csptu
Autumn Laze
  • By Yanakorn Kiatlapnachai (Nott)

                In the spirit of Autumn, the season of laziness, this piece will be low effort and lazily written. Consider it a piece to read before bed and fall asleep to because it is simply that uneventful, no need to think too much, relax on a stretcher, have some grapes peeled and find a person to feed them to you while you enjoy this piece :D

    Autumn, the season of laziness. The season when the leaves on trees change their colour to a nice brownish-orange, when leaves begin to fall and blanket the ground, and when everything just screams chill. The trees prepare to sleep, the animals prepare for their sleep, and mother nature prepares for her sleep. But is it though? How many of my readers here have experienced Autumn firsthand themselves? Probably few enough that I can count on my own two hands. So how then, my dear readers, do you know what Autumn is? We don’t have the Western four cycle seasons here in Thailand, we have hot, hot, and hotter - so how do you know what Autumn is? Many of my readers are probably laughing themselves to sleep at this absurd question now - well of course we know what Autumn is, we see it depicted in media all the time! It’s the pumpkin spice lattes, various crusted pies, pumpkin everything etc. It’s a great season and the favourite season of many!

                Let me repeat the question again, how do you know the extent and the validity of the claims about Autumn? Have you perhaps, verified these claims yourselves? Experienced them yourselves? Cross-checked the prevalent narrative about Autumn yourself? Or have you, like so many others, simply accepted the claims about Autumn as truth because it is the mainstream narrative and portrayed so in the media? Oh, you self-proclaimed free thinkers. 

              Hmm… Now I have your attention, don’t I?

    We here in the East are constantly chasing the coattails of the West, akin to a hound chasing his master’s car - desiring to emulate something because it is ‘trendy’, following and obeying Western-set ideals because we have bought into the lies of its superiority - ironic isn’t it, for a nation that prides itself on our history of independence, that we have sold our people down the river and bought hook line and sinker into the supremacy of the white man. We have forsaken our heritage, our history and embraced Western cultural imperialism. We turn our backs on the generational wisdom of our elders for the ‘enlightened’ and ‘liberated’ poison of the West. Be proud of our unconquered history no longer, for we have fallen as a puppet for the West, with the new generations voluntarily injecting their poison into our veins. The evil empire never went away, it never lost, and it lives on in the West.

     He who controls the media, controls the mind; and who else but the West, who controls the modern 6th sense? Our perception of reality, of truth, of goodness and of decency, are all malleable through the means of media. Never forget, that the nations that hold the keys to this subversive power once desired the world. These once moral nations have regressed into hedonism and faithlessness, and so follow the keys. They place no value in family, God, history, truth or duty, instead replacing them with the worship of the self and the indulgence of sin. We, the poor blind sheep we are, line up single file and walk off the cliff with them. It must be true, it must be good if they do it, all of the media says so - we should do it too! My generation was groomed by the Western media to be subservient to their narrative, to never question them, and simply ‘follow the experts’, especially the Anglo-American ones. Because the narrative is never to be questioned, and what they say must be true. We have sold out our identity and culture in favour of that of a white man. Is it any clearer that we have been fully compromised by them? Never once is there an objection to what is clearly poison being consumed by us simply because it is fed to us by them.

    I ask once more, what is Autumn truly like? How many social movements have we followed the West in? And how many of those social movements are of genuine concern to our own nation and the well-being of our people as opposed to another trend or fad? Have any of my readers, ever stepped back and asked why our gay pride flag has brown and black stripes on it or even noticed it at all? All of you self-proclaimed free thinkers are fed what to think. The critical thinking you claim to do is simply rationalising the worldview fed to you on a surface level and dismissing that part of you that asks why. Autumn is x because they say so, never mind that it doesn’t make sense or is questionable - it is because it is so.  There is a narrative that everyone must follow, the globalist Western narrative; step out of line and you are ostracised and silenced. “Reality can be whatever I want it to be”, most of my readers are likely to be acquainted with this quote and the person who said it, however almost all of them will fail to critically connect it with reality. 

     My generation has not learned a damn thing from our history. We have been invaded and conquered culturally due to their ignorance and their promotion and love of this poison. The active praise and submission to the regime of truth have dumbed all of us down and left us no better than an addict looking for his next fix. No one questions anything more, if some big-wig Western corporation says it is true, then it must be true. Never any pushback, despite the fact that common sense warns us that we are being fed poison, we lay on our backs, like the good hounds we are and let them rub it all over us. Our ancestors have been exploited before and we are marching down the steps to our own exploitation because we have not learned a damn thing. We defer to authority and popular narrative because we are sheep who have been conditioned into the mindset of Western groupthink. Whatever the West says, must go. Forsake our history, our genius, and sell out to the West because they can give us all these nifty widgets. I wager my head, that the majority of Thai people cannot express a well throughout, nuanced explanation of the opinions the West has enforced upon us culturally. We no longer think critically, we value nothing, and we are ready to prostrate ourselves to the West whenever they demand it. So how do we know that Autumn is x and y? Because the West tells us so, that’s why.



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