It has widely been known that Thailand expect to join the part of membership at Human Rights Council of United Nations (UNHRC) in the round 2025-2027. This participation will bring Thailand into play on the international community, positively reinforcing its credibility about human rights issues. On the other hand, this action may be a question to publicity on the issues of the human rights laws, the act of state, and the transparency of court proceeding in its domestic action. Hereby, I do not oppose its participation but will arise some questions on what the political will of Thailand attend to UNHRC and how Thailand ready to join the organization.
The purpose of Thailand to join UNHRC, clearly explaining, is to enrich itself as a leader among the ASEAN neighborhoods in the Human Rights basis. This is because Thailand Foreign officers now are more confident to bring back the proactive role on the international stage after it became an elected government in May, 2023. In addition, Thailand has set itself to prepare for the joining, such as implementing Human Rights act in last year, initiating Humanitarian Corridor with Myanmar, and contributing Humanitarian Assistance to Ukraine, etc. It is the new hope for Thailand to gain further credibility from over the international countries again.
Thailand's possibility appointing as a member of UNHCR is still questioned from its people, NGOs, and others about its appropriated on Human Rights issue. Its operation towards the minority and opponent can clearly perceive as a harmfulness. To give examples, the constitutions of Thailand 2017, the lèse-majesté laws (112 section) talk about "whoever defames insults or threatens the king, the queen, the heir apparent or the regent, shall be punished with imprisonment of 3-4 years," has been arguing since its establishment that will diminish people's rights of freedom of expression and provide an unreasonable punishment. And according to news reports, there are people, in particularly young people and the contestant of the Prayut's administration, are sentenced when they post or mention to the king. This occurrence is a huge challenge one that need to be resolve if it is intent on a part of the organization.
To inform, this is not the first time of Thailand as a member of the UNHRC. It had been joined the organization in 2010-2013. At that time, the government launched a policy related to enhancement and prevention from Human Rights violation. And there is the same controversial question as the present, the action of the authority to the people who are minority and component. However, it was eventually appointed to the member of organization. The authority in that moment obtained a pride from its people as well as neighbor countries. So, the attendance of UNHRC of Thailand will succeed, as long as it prepares the substantial movement associated with Human Rights trend. And the most importantly, if it can acquire the popular vote among the members.
In conclusion, Thailand with the role of member of UNHRC may be possible for the present government. It express a clear goal to be the leader of ASEAN region for this task. Even though there are some arguments about its action to the opposite sides, it will have a right to join and seemingly it is all set for it.