I don't feel like myself lately.
I feel like living in a fantasy of happiness, happiness of being with you.
When you tell me about your day or a story of your childhood,
when you show me stupid videos you found on Facebook
or show me photos of beautiful places and tell me that we should go together sometimes
and my most favorite of all, when you give me a hug.
The idea of you wanting me back makes me feel so amazing that I forgot to be myself
cause I know that you're not gonna like the real me
so I keep pretending to be someone who I think you want me to be.
But now I realize that the reason that you like being with me
it's not because you like who I am
and one day I'm gonna get so tried and start being myself again
or I'll be stuck here forever cause it feels too good to walk away, I don't know.
But it's not a good plan for both of us either way, so it's time for me to stop pretending to be the main character in your book when I'm only someone on the scene who just passing by.
Me on one sad day
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